human-centered design
human-centered design is a creative approach to problem solving and the backbone of our work at, whether it’s for product design or service design

2015 results show that over the last 10 years design-led companies have maintained significant stock market advantage, outperforming the S&P by an extraordinary 211%.
design management institute,
design value index
design value index
our work principles
our work principles are as follows
we focus upon the people, whether they are retrieving the items you/your organization put in or who have to put things in the first place, by keeping all people groups as a component of the cultural system through their lives immersion
we find the right problem. we focus on the root problem rather than the symptom of the problem. as if we solve the root problem the symptoms disappear. but that’s not simple or easy and requires lots of effort and time
we focus upon solving the problems through optimized solutions, that are carefully crafted for, with, and by the people, by making it easier for people to get the end result
being human-centric at heart our first step always consists of discovering and defining the problem statement and the people it is impacting
- discovery (business, market, people)
- problem space identification & plan the steps, tools, methods
- how might we statements

we empathize through interviews and observations to understand people, their pain points, needs, and motivations. while dealing with social sector challenges, in order to drill down more context, history, or data, we do secondary research as well whether done online, by reading books, or by crunching numbers.
- primary, secondary
- interview (individual, group, expert), extremes & mainstreams
- immersion (behavior, culture, lifestyle), analogous inspiration, card sort, peers observation
we debrief and make sense of the data through personas, empathy map, and journey map to refine the insights and understand people better
- getting data out, download learning, inspiring stories
- organizing chaos, top fives, find themes, insight statements, explore hunch
- interpreting to emapthize people, segmentation, frameworks, journey maps

here we brainstorm and involve people to take part in creating ideas for their own solutions. we create a bundle of ideas to have qualitative and quantitative visuals as a possible solution(s) for the defined problem(s)
- mashups, design principles, create concept, co-creation, gut check
- determine prototype, storyboard
- role play, rapid prototype (crazy 8), lo-fidelity, resource assessment, grow framework ways
here we do rapid lo-fi wireframes and hi-fi prototypes to validate the ideas before piloting the product
- live prototyping, high-fidelity, roadmap
- design, interactive solution
- iterate

here we design ui framework and make interactive design. so the design is ready to be handoff to devleopers and ready for code for long-term test of solution, a crticial step before going to market
- design v1 (patterns, libraries, system)
- ui and interactive design v1
- handsoff v1 (developers , designers)